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Grizzly T33312 - Panel Lifting Cart
Grizzly T33312 - Panel Lifting Cart
Grizzly T33312 - Panel Lifting Cart

Grizzly T33312 - Panel Lifting Cart

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Grizzly T33312 Panel Lifting Cart

Easily move and lift heavy plywood panels, sheetrock, and other sheet goods.

Transport heavy and awkward sheet goods and tilt them to the height of your workbench, table saw, or wherever you need to move them.

The hinged design allows you to easily load panels horizontally from a truck, then tilt them to a vertical position for moving.

It's the next best thing to having an assistant!

The heavy tube steel design holds 4' x 8' sheets of plywood or drywall with a weight capacity of 300 pounds.

Four locking casters allow you to secure the cart while raising or lowering your sheet goods.

Improve the efficiency of your one-person shop with this multi-purpose cart.

Like all Grizzly shop tools, the T33312 comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects.

The T33312 instruction sheets were written by our U.S. based Technical Documentation Department and are packed with useful information.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based. Parts for the cart may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.


  • Tilting frame for horizontal and vertical positioning
  • Adjustable height with lock knob
  • Locking swivel casters for securing the cart
  • Heavy-duty tube-steel framing
  • 300-pound capacity


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