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Grizzly G0911 - 39" x 63" CO2 Laser Cutter 100W Single Head

Grizzly G0911 - 39" x 63" CO2 Laser Cutter 100W Single Head

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G0911 39" x 63" CO2 Laser Cutter 100W Single Head

A powerful laser cutter with a single 100W head.

The G0911 39" x 63" CO2 Laser Cutter features a time-saving auto-focusing 100W laser head with ±0.05mm position accuracy and adjustable 0–945"/min. cutting speed.

The electronically-driven worktable reaches a max height of 7" and includes both knife-blade and honeycomb platforms for cutting or engraving wood, bamboo, jade, marble, glass, crystal, plastic, textiles, paper, leather, rubber, ceramic, and other non-metal materials.

Focusing on the best components, the G0911 is made up of Hiwin linear guide rails that provide high durability and positioning accuracy, Japanese OMRON electronic components, and II-VI optical lenses for better beam transmission vs. standard optics.

These lasers include RDWorks software which allows you to engrave and cut your projects.

The G0911 is compatible with but not limited to: RDworks, CorelLaser, and Lightburn.

Designs and photos with the following file extensions can be imported to the laser software for processing: .svg, .ai, .pdf, .dxf, .hpgl, .plt, .png, .jpg, .bmp, and .jpeg.

The control system has wireless networking connectivity and allows one computer to control multiple machines at the same time.

An integrated water chiller system helps with cooling the laser tube.

Always wear Class 4 laser eye protection rated for 10,600 nm.

Like all Grizzly laser machines, the G0911 comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.

Parts for the Grizzly CO2 laser cutting machines may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.

Made in an ISO 9001 factory

Meets FDA Safety Standards!


  • Required power supply: 110V, single-phase, 15A circuit
  • Laser power: 100W single-head
  • Wavelength: 10,600nm
  • Position accuracy: ±0.05mm
  • Cutting speed: Adjustable 0–945"/min
  • Cutting area: 39" x 63"
  • Minimum cutting thickness: 0.02"
  • Maximum cutting thickness: 0.80"
  • Maximum cutting height: 7"
  • Minimum cutting width: 0.04"
  • Minimum cutting thickness: 0.08"
  • Dust port size: 6"
  • Overall dimensions: 66-1/2" W x 91" D x 42-1/2" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 1288 lbs.
  • Digital control panel
  • Omron electronic components
  • Leadshine stepper motors
  • Hiwin guide rails
  • II-VI optical lenses
  • Wireless networking connectivity
  • RDWorks software


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