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Graco XTR-5 Airless Spray Gun

Graco XTR-5 Airless Spray Gun

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Graco XTR500 Airless Spray Guns are designed especially for high-pressure output when spraying high solids coatings and paints. Updated features include two handle designs offering an oval-insulated or round handle, EasyGlide swivel for better hose and gun movement under high pressure, and an Easy Out gun filter which reduces tip plugging

Sprays: High solids coatings, Epoxies, Urethane coatings, Primers and Fire retardant coatings Used in: Shipbuilding and marine applications, Railcar manufacturing and repair, Structural steel, tank and pipe coatings and Processing plants.


Variety of handle and trigger options for maximum spraying comfort
Compact design allows for easy access to tight places
High quality materials and construction
XTR-5 maximum fluid pressure: 5000 psi (345 bar, 34.5 MPa)


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