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Graco Telescoping Extensions (1587450249251)

Graco Telescoping Extensions

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Telescoping Extensions
Maximum WPR: 3000 psi, (207 bar, 20.7 MPa)

- Use Telescoping Extensions for Pressure Rolling only – do not use
for airless spraying
- All Telescoping Extensions include Adapter 244825; for use with 7/8 in (22mm)
- Contractor In-Line Valve


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18 - 36 in.200-5003000-psi36 - 72 in.72 - 144 in.all other productsbf2023canadagracoLeadTime2weeksnomapnot canadapaintsprayerPole ExtensionprisyncROAS 4Ship6to9daysspo-defaultspo-disabledTelescoping Extension