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Philips LED Tube T8 Instant Fit Lamp 6.5T8/48-5000 IF 10/1 (10 per case)
Philips LED Tube T8 Instant Fit Lamp 6.5T8/48-5000 IF 10/1 (10 per case)

Philips LED Tube T8 Instant Fit Lamp 6.5T8/48-5000 IF 10/1 (10 per case)

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Philips LED Tube T8 Instant Fit Lamp 6.5T8/48-5000 IF 10/1 (10 per case)

Philips LED T8 InstantFit Lamps are an ideal energy saving choice for existing linear
fluorescent fixtures.

T8 LED Lamps are an ideal energy saving choice for shops and businesses. LED Lamps are compatible with linear light fixtures from Global Finishing Solutions® (GFS) including inside access, corner and general purpose light fixtures. When retrofitting LEDs into existing GFS equipment, it’s as simple as changing out the tubes.


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