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Global Finishing Solutions Truck and Large Equipment Paint Booths
Global Finishing Solutions Truck and Large Equipment Paint Booths

Global Finishing Solutions Truck and Large Equipment Paint Booths

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We Offer Global Indusrial Booths in a variety of designs to match your finishing process needs.  We can offer turn key installation for ease of project implementation.

We offer Turn Key installation on all Spray Booths


Selecting a Booth Size

Deciding on the right size paint booth isn’t always an easy task. Use the following guidelines to help you determine the appropriate size booth for your needs.

Width: Width of the largest item (including fixture or pallet) plus 5 feet

Height: Height of the largest item (including fixture or pallet) plus 2 feet

Depth: Depth of the largest item plus 3 feet (clearance at the rear)

Additional Sizing Considerations

Conveyorized Booths: Width must be sufficient to allow finishers to complete the finishing operation within the allotted time. Spraying should not be closer than 2 feet from the conveyor opening.

Bridge intake Chambers w/ Solid Doors: Decrease booth opening by 2 feet high and 4 feet wide on a booth with a bridge intake chamber.

Filtered Doors: Decrease booth opening by 4 feet wide when using filtered doors on large booths.

Doors: Door openings must accommodate the dimensions of the object being brought into the booth.


GFS guarantees that our products meet or exceed all of the applicable codes related to the equipment. Our engineers regularly follow and contribute to the advancement of codes and standards that affect the industries that we work in. One of our engineers currently serves on the NFPA Technical Committee on Finishing Processes, a key standard in the finishing industry.

Click for more information on Global finishing solutions Large Equipment Paint BOoth


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