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Stak Rack (12 pack)

Stak Rack (12 pack)

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Stak Rack (12 pack)

Stak rack is a 4 In. 1 painting tool that allows you to mortise and paint int/ext doors, trim and kitchen cabinet doors with ease. Simply fasten the racking system to the top and bottom of your doors with the provided screws. Once the first side of the door is painted immediately flip it and paint the other side, then stack the doors and let dry. For painting trim you can create rows of trim that can be stacked on top of one another saving time and much needed space.


  • Stak rack 4 In. 1 painters tool
  • Paint interior and exterior doors, trim and kitchen cabinet doors
  • Create rows of trim that can be stacked on top of one another
  • 12 pack


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