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Fuji Spray Aluminum Cup (1 Qt.)

Fuji Spray Aluminum Cup (1 Qt.)

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2041 -- put: for machines purchased prior to October of 2019

Fuji 2041 Quart Spray Cup for T70 & "M" spray guns, only fits #2042 assembled cup on spray guns

This aluminum spray cup holds about a quart of finish. You have the option of ordering it with a teflon liner, which is not recommended for nitrocellulose lacquers. The plain spray cup is fine for all finishes.

Tip: Extra cups can help with cleaning the spray gun after use. Keep an extra cup with thinner handy. Then after using the spray gun, just take off the cup with the finish in it (capping it to save for future use), and attach the spray gun to the cup with the thinner in it. Then spray the thinner through the spray gun to clean it out. You can store your cleaning thinner in the extra cup by putting a cap on it.


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