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Devilbiss MBC-510-30EX - Mbc Spray Gun 30EX 1.8

Devilbiss MBC-510-30EX - Mbc Spray Gun 30EX 1.8

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Combining a drop forged aluminum body with a forged removable spray head, the MBC-510 spray gun is ideal for applications that require maximum output and
quick changeovers.
  • Removable spray head allows for reduced downtime on nozzle combination changeovers.
  • MBC spray guns have nickel-plated brass fluid passages and stainless steel fluid tip and needle.
  • Ideal for zinc coatings.
  • Applications include oil platforms, corrosion control and bridge maintenance coatings.

The following air cap and fluid tip set-ups are factory assembled for immediate delivery.



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1.8 mm500-1000bf2023canadacatchallshipConventional Air Capdevilbissnot canadapaintspraygunpmax ad paint spray gunsROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledSuction Fed