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Devilbiss - JGA-510-80EX - JGA Spray Gun 80EX 1.8

Devilbiss - JGA-510-80EX - JGA Spray Gun 80EX 1.8

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Setting industry standards for high-production performance, the JGA manual spray gun also offers the comfortable fit and feel operators prefer. An economical option for waterborne and solvent-based material applications, the JGA air spray gun delivers the quality results you need for tough applications.

The JGA standard-size spraygun is available with the following air cap and fluid tipset-ups, factory-assembled for immediate delivery. These areonly the most popular set-ups.



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1.8 mm500-1000bf2023canadacatchallshipConventionalConventional Air Capdevilbissnot canadapaintspraygunpmax ad paint spray gunsROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledSuction Fed