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RPC Collectors (1587571818531)
RPC Collectors (1587571818531)
RPC Collectors (1587571818531)
RPC Collectors (1587571818531)

RPC Collectors

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RPC collectors range from 600 to 900 cfm of air, and are best suited for medium- to high-production applications where height restrictions are a concern. Dirty air is drawn in to the inlet on one side of the collector. The unit utilizes two filter cartridges, accessible through the top to clean the air. The reverse-pulse action knocks dust and debris down to a collection drawer in the bottom of the unit. Other features include a Magnehelic® differential pressure gauge kit for determining when filters require service. A timer-based auto pulse kit, and a foam-covered sound suppression muffler on the exhauster and a control panel are also standard.


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