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Clemco RLX Pneumatic Remote Control Handle with ACS (1587412336675)

Clemco RLX Pneumatic Remote Control Handle with ACS

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The RLX Control handle is the main activator of Clemco remote control systems. When thecontrol handle lever is up, it is in the non-blast position. Pressing the control handle lever down activates the remote controls. The fail-to-safe system stops blasting if operator drops or loses control of the handle. The pneumatic handle utilizes twinline hose and pneumatic remote control systems operate efficiently with up to 100 feet of twinline control hose. For use with Clemco remote control systems only.

The ACS Abrasive Cut-off Switch is a separate control that is usually used to operate an air-actuated abrasive metering valve. The ACS closes the metering valve independently of theblasting, so air without abrasive exits the nozzle. The operator uses this feature for blow-down. If an application requires frequent choking of the blast machine, the line could control a valve to remotely choke the machine.


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