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Clemco Nozzle Washers - 10 pack
Clemco Nozzle Washers - 10 pack

Clemco Nozzle Washers - 10 pack

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A nozzle washer must be used to prevent premature wear and failure of both the holder and nozzle from abrasive. The blast hose operator inserts a nozzle washer into the nozzle holder and screws in the nozzle, turning it by hand, until the nozzle sits firmly against the washer.

For reference, :
NW-1 fits CT nozzle; NW-25 fits TMP nozzle; NW-32 fits TXP nozzle; NW-4 fits TSP nozzle model.
Washers come in packs of 10.

A nozzle washer must be used to prevent premature wear and failure of both the holder and nozzle from abrasive. The blast hose operator inserts a nozzle washer into the nozzle holder and screws in the nozzle, turning it by hand, until the nozzle sits firmly against the washer.

When choosing a pack of washers, ensure that the size corresponds to that of your blast nozzle and nozzle holder for the right fit and a tight seal.

Always replace parts with authentic Clemco products for guaranteed compatibility.


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