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Clemco CAM 6 x 3 Nozzle, 3/4" Entry, 45° Outlet Angle
Clemco CAM 6 x 3 Nozzle, 3/4" Entry, 45° Outlet Angle

Clemco CAM 6 x 3 Nozzle, 3/4" Entry, 45° Outlet Angle

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These CAM Series nozzles are 1-1/4" thread with a 3/4” entry and metal jacket. They are short-veturi nozzles that are available with either 1 or 3 45 degree angled nozzle outlets. The operator should smoothly move the nozzle over the area being blasted from a distance between 3 and 6 inches with slight overlapping between each pass. Angled nozzles are designed for blasting "blind" or otherwise hard to access areas. They have an expected life of approximately 300 hours.

These nozzles are lined with durable tungsten carbide and are for hoses with a 1” ID. A hose with a 1” ID can be used with a 1” entry, 3/4" entry, or 1-1/4" entry nozzle paired with a nozzle holder to accommodate the 1-1/2” OD of the hose. Your purchase of this nozzle includes an NW-3 Washer.

These Clemco CAM Nozzles are for use with a 1" ID x 1-1/2" OD blast hose.

These nozzles can be purchased in the following Clemco models:

  • Clemco CAM 4x1 Nozzle with a 1/4” x 1 angled nozzle orifice
  • Clemco CAM 4x3 Nozzle with a 1/4” x 3 angled nozzle orifices
  • Clemco CAM 5x1 Nozzle with a 5/16” x 1 angled nozzle orifice
  • Clemco CAM 5x3 Nozzle with a 5/16” x 3 angled nozzle orifices
  • Clemco CAM 6x1 Nozzle with a 3/8” x 1 angled nozzle orifice
  • Clemco CAM 6x3 Nozzle with a 3/8” x 3 angled nozzle orifices


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