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Clemco 23909 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter - Auto Quantum Valve with Abrasive Cut off Switch - SaFety Gear
Clemco 23909 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter - Auto Quantum Valve with Abrasive Cut off Switch - SaFety Gear
Clemco 23909 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter - Auto Quantum Valve with Abrasive Cut off Switch - SaFety Gear
Clemco 23909 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter - Auto Quantum Valve with Abrasive Cut off Switch - SaFety Gear

Clemco 23909 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter - Auto Quantum Valve with Abrasive Cut off Switch - SaFety Gear

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Clemco Classic Blast Machine Model 1648 ACS (Abrasive Cut-off Switch) HP (High-Pressure Breathing System) Complete Package, Portable, 3 cu ft - 300lbs., with 1-1/4 inch Piping.
The 3 cu ft classic blast machine holds 3 cubic foot (approximately 300 lbs.) of abrasive blast media. This portable blast machine has 1-1/4” piping and comes with a Quantum Auto Grit Metering Valve (AQV) and remote control system with ACS. Using a No. 6 (3/8-inch) blast nozzle will provide approximately 15 minutes of productive blasting at 100 psi.

Quantum Auto Metering Valve

The AQV is a pneumatically operated and easily adjustable media valve that precisely measures all common blast media, including expendable mineral and slag abrasives.

Remote Controls

The included TLR-300 remote control system is equipped with an Abrasive Cut-off Switch (ACS), which permits the operator to shut off the abrasive flow for clearing the blast hose and for blowing down the surfaces after blasting.

Package Details

This high-performance and versatile high pressure blast machine package can remove contamination, corrosion, mill scale, and coatings from most surfaces with the added benefit of portability. The included HP package provides everything necessary to begin blasting with a compressed air system (to be used with included HP Apollo 600HP DLX respirator).

Clemco 23909 3 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 16” diameter - Auto Quantum Valve with Abrasive Cut off Switch - SaFety Gear


  • TLR-300 remote controls (w/o 10565) (with 07625 & 03087) 01936 
  • Quantum metering valve 24447
  • 50 ft. X 1-1/4” ID blast hose, coupled 23481
  • NHP-2 Nylon nozzle holder (included in 23481) 04127 
  • CQPS-2 nylon quick coupling (included in 23481) 08413 
  • Blast hose safety cable 15013 
  • 1-1/2” Air filter with manual drain 22363 
  • TXP-6 blast nozzle 23525 
  • Blast machine screen (optional steel cover) 03099 (02335)
  • Poly all-weather cover  15143
  • Nylon tie (eight included with system) 02195 (each) 
  • Apollo 600 HP DLX helmet with Clem-Cool 25194 
  • 50 ft respirator hose, coupled 04415
  • CPF-20 Breathing air filter with regulator 03578 
  • One pair leather gloves 02243 
  • One 25-pack helmet outer lens 04361
  • One 5-pack Apollo 600 intermediate lenses 24943 
  • Two 10-packs quick coupling gaskets 08853 & 00850 
  • One 10-pack nozzle washers 91026 
  • Abrasive trap screens (six included in system) 02012 (each) 

The Auto Quantum is used for pressure-hold systems and pressurerelease systems with abrasive cut-off. Abrasive cut-off permits shutting off abrasive to blow down the surface with air. Available in both pneumatic and electric.

Manual Quantum Valve

AQV - Auto Quantum grit valve with metering assembly and installation fittings  includes 01718, 01791,  01818, 01993, and 02513


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1-1/4" Pipe3 Cubic Foot7000-10000Abrasive Cut-Off SwitchAll Blast MediaAQVAuto Metering Quantum Valvebf2023canadacatchallshipclemcodeliveryestimate5daysExpandable Medianot canadapmax ad sandblasterROAS 4sandblasterSandblastingships3spo-defaultspo-disabledWith Safety Gear