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Clemco 27529 6 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 24” diameter - Manual Quantum Valve (All blast medias) - Apollo HP SaFety Gear
Clemco 27529 6 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 24” diameter - Manual Quantum Valve (All blast medias) - Apollo HP SaFety Gear
Clemco 27529 6 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 24” diameter - Manual Quantum Valve (All blast medias) - Apollo HP SaFety Gear
Clemco 27529 6 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 24” diameter - Manual Quantum Valve (All blast medias) - Apollo HP SaFety Gear

Clemco 27529 6 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 24” diameter - Manual Quantum Valve (All blast medias) - Apollo HP SaFety Gear

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Classic Clemco – Tough, Reliable, Quality Blast Machines

  • Semi-elliptical head for larger storage of abrasive.
  • Pop-up valve umbrella (optional) relieves load pressure, when hopper is in place. Flexible pusher line guarantees air flow without pressure loss caused by elbows; and eases valve replacement.
  • Chrome-plated forged brass ball valve with brass body for durability and long service life.
  • Fast, safe TLR remote controls with solid brass valves built for years of dependability.
  • Self-cleaning exhaust muffler greatly reduces bleed-off noise.
  • 45° abrasive flow into air stream – the natural way to uniformly mix air and abrasive. Eliminates premature wear found in 90° systems.
  • A tough stainless steel plate meters precisely.
  • Clean-out provides access to foreign matter.
  • Conical 35° bottom ensures total use of abrasive and uninterrupted abrasive flow. Heavy-gauge construction pressure vessel fabricated for rugged field service.
  • Built to ASME standards. Most models registered in most Canadian provinces.
  • Large 6” x 8” inspection door for easy access to inside.
  • Urethane-coated pop-up valve with external sleeve for long life and fast pressurization


  • TLR-300 remote controls (includes 10565 RLX handle) 01936 
  • Abrasive metering valve MQV 22845
  • 50 ft. X 1-1/4” ID blast hose, coupled 23481
  • NHP-2 Nylon nozzle holder (included in 23481) 04127
  • CQPS-2 nylon quick coupling (included in 23481) 08413 
  • Blast hose safety cable 15013 
  • 1-1/2” Air filter with manual drain 22363 
  • TXP-6 blast nozzle 23525 
  • Blast machine screen (optional steel cover) 03099 (02335) 
  • Poly all-weather cover 15097
  • Nylon tie (eight included with system) 02195 (each) 
  • Apollo 600 HP DLX helmet with Clem-Cool 25194 
  • 50 ft respirator hose 04415
  • CPF-20 Breathing air filter with regulator 03578 
  • One pair leather gloves 02243 
  • One 25-pack helmet outer lens 04361 
  • One 5-pack Apollo 600 intermediate lens 24943 
  • Two 10-packs quick coupling gaskets 08853 & 00850 
  • One 10-pack nozzle washers 91026
  • Abrasive trap screens (six included in system) 02012 (each) 

Clemco 27529 6 Cubic Foot Blast Machine Packages with 1-1/4” piping 24” diameter - Manual Quantum Valve (All blast medias) - Apollo HP SaFety Gear

The Manual Quantum valve handles all types of media; minerals, slags, and metallic. Its design allows for precise metering and easy maintenance. The Quantum fits machines from 2-cubic feet to 20-cubic feet capacity.

MQV Manual Metering valve complete ....................22845 

(*)Service Kit Quantum Metering segment .......22854 
(see * on drawing)
1. Adaptor flange w/insert........................21314 
2. Screw, 3/8-NC x 1” socket head ...........22655 
3. Lower body..................22621 57.00 
4. Inspection plate...........22620 20.50 
5. Screw, 1/4-NC x 3/4” hex head cap, .............03052 
6. Wing nut, 1/4-NC ........03113 
7. Housing, knob .............22761 
8. Nut, knob housing.......22762 
9. Metering plate and shaft................22763
10. Metering screw............22764 
11. Knob, adjustment ........22766 
12. Screw, 5/16-NC x 3/4” socket head ...........22767 
13. Wye, 1-1/4”..................01818 
14. Nipple,1-1/2” x 2” ......01840 
15. Nipple, 1-1/4” x 5-1/2”........................01874 1
(-) Conversion kit:  Quantum rack & pinion to knob ............ 22841 

Manual Quantum Valve


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