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Clemco 14138 Turntable w/ Bearing - 30" dia. assembly, 500 lb. capacity

Clemco 14138 Turntable w/ Bearing - 30" dia. assembly, 500 lb. capacity

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Turntable capacities are based on concentric loading. Use solid fixturing to hold heavy parts in place. Do not remove lift equipment until the part is adequately supported to prevent movement. Moving or rotating heavy, unsupported, or off-centered parts may cause them to shift or topple, and cause severe injury.

  1. Turntable, replacementĀ 21390
  2. Bearing, 1-1/2" bore 11517
  3. Protector, bearing 13479
  4. Screw, 1/2-NC x 1-1/2" cap 03454
  5. Washer, 1/2" lock 03516
  6. Nut, 1/2-NC hex 03511


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