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C.A Technologies Techline T3 HVLP Gravity Feed Spray Guns
C.A Technologies Techline T3 HVLP Gravity Feed Spray Guns
C.A Technologies Techline T3 HVLP Gravity Feed Spray Guns

C.A Technologies Techline T3 HVLP Gravity Feed Spray Guns

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The Techline T3 is an economically priced gravity feed gun for use with a range of coatings from primers to top coats to stains. The T3 combines C.A.T. fine finish nozzles on a low-cost gun body so you can achieve the best of both worlds -- economy and fine finish. Features include air adjusting valve and 750cc plastic cup. This gun complies with all environmental regulations for HVLP.


  • 45 PSI Inlet Pressure
  • Patented 2 Piece Nozzle Design
  • Air Adjusting Valve
  • HVLP - 65% Transfer Efficient or Better
Air Inlet 1/4” NPS (m)
Fluid Inlet 16mm x 1.5mm (m)
Weight 20 oz.
Requires  13.5 CFM @ 45 PSI


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