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Binks 5 gallon Tank Strainer
Binks 5 gallon Tank Strainer
Binks 5 gallon Tank Strainer

Binks 5 gallon Tank Strainer

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GLS stock number 1018995 is a new, out of the box, 5 gallons 400-micron paint tank strainer manufactured by Binks, part number PTS-5GAL-K20-400. Commonly used by G3 boats. This disposable drop-in quick screen helps eliminate foreign objects in paint and clogging of the fluid nozzle helping to prevent costly painting defects. Anti-static: Meets NFPA 99 requirements.



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20 Pack200-500400 Micron5 gal.all other productsbf2023binksBucketscanadacatchallshipnot canadapaintspraygunROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabled