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Binks 98-1067

Binks 98-1067 Fluid & Hoses and 2 Quart Pressure Cup

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The Binks 2 Quart Pressure Cup Assembly is suited for when you need a pressure outfit for spraying that is portable and uses smaller volumes of paint.

This outfit comes with 2 5 foot hoses which helps keep paint waste down especially with frequent coating changes or smaller coating volume.  It also comes with a Binks 2100 Spray Gun with the set up that you would prefer.  The 2 Quart Pressure Cup comes with regulation for your fluid pressure and you control air pressure from your wall.  Some operators prefer it over a 2 Gallon Pressure Tank outfit because it is smaller.  This can be ideal when you are a smaller outfit and have smaller painting projects or value portability.


Coatings well suited for spraying with this 2 quart pressure cup outfit:

Latex Paints

Heavy Bodied Oil Based Paints

Medium to High Viscosity Coatings


Sales information on the 98-1067 2 Quart Pressure Cup

Binks 80-295 2 Quart Cup included in 98-1067

Binks 2100 Spray Gun included in 98-1067
Service Information

Binks 80-295 2 Quart Cup included in 98-1067

Binks 2100 Spray Gun


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