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SHUR-FLO 8000-543-238 Diaphragm Pump w/ Automatic Switch - 12 VDC

SHUR-FLO 8000-543-238 Diaphragm Pump w/ Automatic Switch - 12 VDC

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8000-543-238 SHURFLO 1.6GPM 100PSI 12V

SHURflo 8000 Series diaphragm pumps are Self-priming, feature Chemical-resistant materials and are designed for heavy-duty spraying and fluid transfer applications. Pump can run dry without damage and has a built-in check valve. The 8000 Series diaphragm pump is SHURflo's most widely used agriculture pump. The unique conical valve design delivers high flow rates at maximum discharge pressures, making the 8000 Series the pump of choice for sprayers used on the farm or around the yard. These pumps deliver maximum performance in a wide range of applications.

NOTE : This pump is rated for Intermittent Duty : "Intermittent Duty" is defined as; operated and/or frequently started within a period of time that would cause the motor to reach its maximum thermal limits. Once the maximum thermal limit is obtained, the motor must be allowed to return to ambient temperature before resuming operation.

Agricultural Spraying


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