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EVERFLO EF7000 Repair Kit

EVERFLO EF7000 Repair Kit

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Pump Head Features: Minimize down-time for your Everflo EF7000 diaphragm fluid transfer pump with this 7.0 GPM Replacement Pump Head Kit. Easily self-prime up to 12 feet while having the ability to run dry without sustaining damage. Comes standard with polypropylene pump manifold with 1/2″ NPT ports. Easy installation with mounting screws. Can be used to replace an EF7000-QA pump head depending on change of plumbing setup.

Approved for use with Round-Up® and other agricultural brand herbicides and insecticides.

Ideal Water Fluid Applications: This diaphragm pump is designed to handle a variety of water delivery applications including, but not limited to, agricultural spraying (spot or broadcast), de-icing (salt brine), mobile pressure washing systems, water transferring, irrigation systems, fire suppression and mist spraying.


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