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Wilton — 8 lb Head, 36" B.A.S.H® Splitting Maul
Wilton — 8 lb Head, 36" B.A.S.H® Splitting Maul
Wilton — 8 lb Head, 36" B.A.S.H® Splitting Maul
Wilton — 8 lb Head, 36" B.A.S.H® Splitting Maul
Wilton — 8 lb Head, 36" B.A.S.H® Splitting Maul
Wilton — 8 lb Head, 36" B.A.S.H® Splitting Maul

Wilton — 8 lb Head, 36" B.A.S.H® Splitting Maul

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At Wilton, we are on a never-ending journey to create the highest quality, most indestructible tools on the market. On this journey we've managed to design and file patents for the world's most durable sledge hammer with Unbreakable® Handle Technology, revolutionary design, and engineered no-slip rubber grip. With the Wilton B.A.S.H® backed by our $1,000 Guarantee, we put our money where our mouth is.

  • Anti-Vibe Neck with tapered design eliminates vibration from striking
  • No-Slip Grip made from vulcanized rubber ensures a secure hold
  • Safety Plate prevents head from dislodging
  • Unbreakable® Handle Technology: Steel core eliminates breaking during overstrikes
Stock Number 50836
Handle Length (In.) 36
Head Weight (Lbs.) 8
Prop 65 Cancer
Type Splitting Maul


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