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Apollo AMT100D T100 Mini Mist Deluxe®
Apollo AMT100D T100 Mini Mist Deluxe®
Apollo AMT100D T100 Mini Mist Deluxe®

Apollo AMT100D T100 Mini Mist Deluxe®

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The T100 Mini Mist® turbine is a flexible and efficient option ideal for personal use or newcomers in the sunless tanning industry. It offers precise and consistent application, featuring a pre-set T6000 applicator and a 10 ft lightweight hose with quick-connect technology, allowing for easy upgrades to the T5020 gun. Weighing just 10 lbs, this compact and portable machine is perfect for travel. Plus, it comes with a 1-year manufacturer warranty for added peace of mind.

This purchase includes a T100 turbine, T6000 Applicator, 8-ounce Solution Cup, and 10 ft. hose.


  • Perfect for low-volume businesses
  • Pre-set motor speed with built-in Reset Safety Switch
  • Lightweight, compact design with carry strap for easy portability
  • Universal Quick Connect Technology for easy upgrades
  • Made in the US

The Apollo T100 Mini Mist® is a compact, lightweight machine that's easy to transport wherever you go. Its salon-quality design is space-saving, making it perfect for tight areas and convenient to store. Plus, it runs quietly, allowing you to use it in places like hotels or apartments without disturbing neighbors, while still being able to communicate clearly with clients throughout the service.



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