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Apollo 20 Series Supplied Air Respirator
Apollo 20 Series Supplied Air Respirator

Apollo 20 Series Supplied Air Respirator

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Apollo Series HP and LP Supplied- Air Respirator are good for supplying clean air requirements while sandblasting.

Our most economical respirator delivers lots of value. The Apollo 20 is a single-shell construction helmet supported by an adjustable suspension. The Apollo 20 comes standard with DLX comfort-fit suspension. The DLX suspension surrounds the operator's head with comfortable padding. A chin strap holds the helmet firmly in place. The rectangular window provides a clear field of view. An inner fixed lens and one middle lens seal out dust and abrasive.

Approvals and Certifications
The Apollo 20 HP helmet is a NIOSH approved, type CE respirator (approval number TC-19C-338) and is recognized by OSHA as having an assigned protection factor (APF) against lead dust of 1000 times the permissible exposure limit (PEL).

NOTE: Prior to use, ensure that the Apollo, type CE, supplied-air respirator is appropriate for your specific blasting conditions and requirements.


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