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Annovi Reverberi RMW22G24SX-PKG

Annovi Reverberi RMW22G24SX-PKG

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Annovi Reverberi offers the RMW22G24SX-PKG 2,400 PSI triplex plunger pump package for vertical gas engine driven units. Please reference the pictures to the left side showing the mounting difference between models. Specifications: 2.2 GPM at 2,400 PSI and spins at 3,400 RPM. This pump mounts directly on to the engine shaft by using a keyed hollow shaft connection system. The mounting flange provides a convenient connection to most 7/8” diameter shaft vertical gas engines in 4 - 7 HP (reference the cc to HP chart) and fits most OEM carts. The pump includes a built-in pressure control valve, downstream chemical injection system.


  • RMW2624D - Pump
  • TPP140 - 1/4A - Thermal Relief Valve
  • AR1269120 - Detergent Tube with Filter



Max GPM 2.2
Max PSI 2400
RPM 3400
Shaft Size 7/8"
Pump RMW22G24-EZ-SX
Flange Vertical Gas Engine Flange
Thermal Relief Valve TPP140-1/4A
Detergent Tube w/Filter AR1269120
Body/Stem Height Rotating 180° from Standard
Applications EZ Start Valve


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