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Annovi Reverberi - RKA35G40HN-SX 3.5GPM/4000PSI/1750RPM Left Pump
Annovi Reverberi - RKA35G40HN-SX 3.5GPM/4000PSI/1750RPM Left Pump

Annovi Reverberi - RKA35G40HN-SX 3.5GPM/4000PSI/1750RPM Left Pump

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AR Annovi Reverberi Pressure Washer Pump RKA3.5G40HN 3.5 GPM @ 4000 PSI RKA3.5G40HN Plunger Pumps are designed for a wide variety of high pressure washing applications.
They are constructed of die-cast bodies and feature a forged brass head. Internal components include special thick solid ceramic plungers for long life and durability. Precision cast cooling fins are anodized for maximum heat dissipation. Oversized tapered roller bearings and the precision supports assure proper shaft alignment and maximum life.
Valve cages of special designed Ultra-Form provide positive seating and extended life. One-piece connecting rods are either a special alloy aluminum or bronze oversized for strength and load disbursement.
These RKA3.5G40HN pumps are designed for gearbox , belt drive, or coupling drive systems, electric motor 182-184 frame driven systems, or gasoline engine driven systems.


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