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Allegro Filtration Panel, Hanson

Allegro Filtration Panel, Hanson

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Item Wall Mount Filtration Panel
People Served 2
Couplers Hansen
Pressure 0-160 psi
Includes PSI Gauge, Adjustable Locking Regulator
Features Designed to Take Shop Air Used for Pneumatic Equipment and Convert it to Clean Breathable Air for Respirators, mounts conveniently to the wall. Supplying Grade D breathable air, filtration system removes 99.97% of contaminants to 0.1 microns. Audible carbon monoxide (CO) alarm alerts you to 10ppm CO, low battery or sensor failure. Unlike ordinary panel designs, this CO alarm stabilizes in just 15 seconds so you can get back to work right away. AC powered. CFM output 30.


Wall Mount Filtration Panel, Includes PSI Gauge, Adjustable Locking Regulator


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