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Allegro Economy Work Tent (6’d x 6’w x 7’h)

Allegro Economy Work Tent (6’d x 6’w x 7’h)

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Utility shelter springs from backpack into full size (6’d x 6’w x 7’h) tent in seconds. Made from water-resistant, flame-retardant and UV-treated nylon, with 360° reflective striping. Quick set-up from the inside or outside, with two floor-to-floor fiber poles for better stability and structural strength. One large door and two large windows offer easy access for worker and equipment, and open bottom allows for protection while working over manhole covers or excavation sites. Comes in high-viz green, with twelve yellow 9″ plastic stakes, and folds to 31″l x 2 1/2″h.

Weight: 22 lbs.


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