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Wagner Electrostatic Spray Gun

Wagner Electrostatic Air Spray Gun - Solvent based w/ low resistance hose for metallics

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Wagner Electrostatic Air Spray Guns come in a variety of configurations to work with your material.  From water based coatings to solvent based coatings Wagner Electrostatic Spray Guns will help reduce your paint waste.

Wagner Electrostatic Guns can help you reduce paint waste.  They come with:

  • 25 feet of fluid and air hose
  • 25 feet of electrical Cable
  • Power Pack that automatically adjusts KV and Microamps
  • Powerpack that allows for pre programming for unique recipes

Wagner Electrostatic Spray Guns


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7000-10000Air-Assist Technologybf2023catchallshipnogooglenot canadapaintspraygunpmax ad electrostatic spray gunROAS 4Solvent-Basedspo-defaultspo-disabledwagner