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Trimaco Stay Put Slip Resistant Padded Surface Protector - 39.37" x 164.04' (1m x 50m)
Trimaco Stay Put Slip Resistant Padded Surface Protector - 39.37" x 164.04' (1m x 50m)
Trimaco Stay Put Slip Resistant Padded Surface Protector - 39.37" x 164.04' (1m x 50m)
Trimaco Stay Put Slip Resistant Padded Surface Protector - 39.37" x 164.04' (1m x 50m)
Trimaco Stay Put Slip Resistant Padded Surface Protector - 39.37" x 164.04' (1m x 50m)

Trimaco Stay Put Slip Resistant Padded Surface Protector - 39.37" x 164.04' (1m x 50m)

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Trimaco’s Stay Put® Padded Surface Protector is a padded floor protector with slip-resistant tacky backing. This protective floor mat is great for high-end hardwood floors, vinyl, tile, marble, and stairs.

The Stay Put Surface Protector is breathable to allow surfaces to continue curing, yet waterproof to block spills from the surface. It’s even re-positional and reusable, with no risk of residue being left behind on the surface. Temporary floor protection rolls are easy to work with and requires no taping! 
  • Protective floor mat easily adheres to surface + breathable
  • Available in multiple size rolls
  • Slip-resistant backing that leaves no residue
  • Waterproof: Protects from water, mud + paint
  • Re-positional, reusable + impact resistant

Explore another popular construction floor protection products or our line of protective films and flooring paper.

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