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Wagner Studio Home Decor Sprayer (1587611336739)
Wagner Studio Home Decor Sprayer (1587611336739)
Wagner Studio Home Decor Sprayer (1587611336739)
Wagner Studio Home Decor Sprayer (1587611336739)
Wagner Studio Home Decor Sprayer (1587611336739)
Wagner Studio Home Decor Sprayer (1587611336739)

Wagner Studio Home Decor Sprayer

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Sprays decorative paints like chalk type and milk (thinning may be necessary). Also sprays specialty furniture/cabinet paints plus stains, sealers, and lacquers.
It’s easy to use, just fill and paint
Creates a smooth finish with no brush marks
Saves time versus hand painting
Features paint saving controls like the pattern adjustment dial and material flow control
It’s lightweight and easy to maneuverer for small pieces and tight space spraying
6-foot air hose for additional maneuverability around painting projects

Flexible handheld sprayer for creative projects

Turning old into new is the current trend in the DIY world: giving favorite worn-out possessions a new lease of life and adding your own personal touch of colour. Upcycling creates items that have their own special charm. WAGNER's Studio Home Decor Sprayer offers the ideal solution for turning your creative visions into reality: Suitable for all chalk paints, decorative paints, primers, oils, enamels, and varnishes. The light spray gun allows you to work with minimum effort and great maneuverability. Even whilst you are spraying you remain in complete control: You can fully adjust the quantity of paint. The spray jet can also be adjusted horizontally or vertically as well as made wider or narrower to suit all your project needs. Hard-to-reach areas and textured surfaces are no problem thanks to the point jet.
  • small - medium
  • fully adjustable, 0 - 150 ml/min
  • 130 W
  • 460 W
  • can handle all standard paints without diluting-on smooth surfaces for particularly thick, high viscosity materials, dilute by 10%
  • 600 ml for chalk paints, wood & metal paints



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6 ft. Hoseall other productsbf2023catchallshipCordedElectricHandheldlowmarginnogooglepaintsprayerpmax ad handheld paint sprayersprisyncROAS 4Small to Medium AreaSolvent Basedspo-defaultspo-disabledSprays Decorative Paints like Chalk Type and Milk (thinning may be necessary). Also Sprays Specialty Furniture/Cabinet Paints Plus Stains/Sealers/Lacquers.under-200wagner