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Honeywell Fendall Porta Stream® II Eyewash Station - 1/EA (1587754991651)

Honeywell Fendall Porta Stream® II Eyewash Station - 1/EA

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Pure Flow 1000
The Pure Flow 1000 emergency eyewash station delivers the required 15 minutes of flushing with a preserved, buffered, saline solution that is superior to tap water for emergency eye care. No plumbing required! Available with standard or 100% sterile saline eyewash solution.

Key Features
The Pure Flow 1000 emergency eyewash station delivers unequaled eyewash safety, reliability, and value. The patented system delivers contaminant-free and physiologically correct saline solution from factory-sealed cartridges. The Pure Flow 1000 does not require costly plumbing for affordable, portable placement near most workplace hazards. Patented design delivers a constant flow rate and stream height, and provides 0.4 gpm for 15 minutes as required by ANSI Z358.1-2009. A unique fluid pressure balancing system and nozzles maximize comfort with a soft “ribbon” of saline solution. Factory-sealed cartridges last up to 24 months,* at least four times longer than other primary self-contained eyewash devices.

Now With Easy-View Window

Self-contained and easy to install with no plumbing required. Can be easily and affordably placed near most workplace hazards or transported with optional universal cart or stand.

• Factory-sealed fluid cartridges eliminate mixing, measuring, and the opportunity for airborne particles or microorganisms to contaminate the fluid prior to use.

• Unique nozzle design delivers a soft “ribbon” of a preserved, buffered, saline solution superior to tap water for emergency eye care. A 100% sterile saline option is also available.

• Constant flow rate permits thorough flushing with a constant flow rate and stream height that provides 0.4 gpm for entire 15-minute cycle required by ANSI Z358.1-2004.

• Integral fluid reservoir captures waste fluid to eliminate spill hazards and simplify fluid disposal.

• Easy cartridge replacement and cartridges remain sealed until activated. Expiration date is included on activation straps — and cartridge replacement takes less than five minutes.

• Cartridge lasts at least four times longer than other primary, self-contained eyewashes.

•Easy maintenance. ESP RFID technology gives you instant, accurate safety information about the cartridges while the easy view window makes inspection and maintenance

• Easy to install, and instruction manual, video and cartridge components ensure proper installation and maintenance to prevent false activation.


  • Airborne Particulates
  • Biohazard
  • Chemical
  • Contamination
  • Splash


  • ANSI Z358.1 - Meets ANSI Z358.1 15-minute flushing requirement. SEI Certified
  • AS4775:2007 - Meets AS4775 15-minute flushing requirement.


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16 gal.200-50030" x 29" x 23"all other productsbf2023canadacatchallshipColor: GreenEye Wash Activates By: Elastomeric Pull StrapEye Wash Mounting: CartEye Wash Mounting: WallEyeseyewashEyewash Tank Capacity: 16.0 gal.honeywellnogooglenomapnot canadapmax ads eyewashPortable EyewashprisyncROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled