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E 75 Paint Booth Filter Roll

E 75 Paint Booth Filters

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E 75 Paint Booth Filters are polyester paint booth filters.  They can often be combined with pocket filters to increase pocket filter life.  They can also be used as the first layer filter for powder coating.

E 75 Paint Booth Filters are polyester paint booth filters.  They can often be combined with pocket filters to increase pocket filter life.  They can also be used as the first layer filter for powder coating.


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100% Polyester20"x90"200-50025"x90"30"x90"36"x90"50"x90"60"x90"72"x90"84"x90"air-flow-technologyall other productsbf2023catchallshipIntakenogooglenot canadaPad Designprisynctoadd9624ROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200