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Paasche DA400R Dual Head 1/4 H.P. Oilless Compressor w/ Auto Shutoff

Paasche DA400R Dual Head 1/4 H.P. Oilless Compressor w/ Auto Shutoff

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The DA400R airbrush compressor is perfect for any hobby or artist airbrush. The maximum operating pressure 1-50 PSI depending on airbrush being used. The DA400R is more powerful than the single head compressors. The auto-shutoff feature turns the compressor off when the airbrush is not being triggered to increase compressor life. Included with the compressor is a 1/8BPS adaptor for competitor hoses.

The compressor features include:

  • 1/4 HP dual piston compressor
  • Regulator & moisture trap
  • Two airbrush holders
  • Delivers 1-50 PSI depending on airbrush being used
  • Standard Paassche 1/4NPT hose fitting
  • 1/8 BPS hose adaptor for competitor hoses
  • Auto shutoff feature
  • Carrying handle
  • Quiet: the noise level is 50 Db’s
  • Includes 1-year warranty from date of purchase


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0.5 CFM1/4 HP50 dBA50 PSIAirbrush Compressoraircompressorbf2023catchallshipnogooglepaaschepmax ad quiet air compressorsprisyncrepriceROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledunder-200