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Clemco Water Ring Wetblast Attachment
This attachment adds water into the sandblast media stream knocking dust down significantly.

Clemco Water Ring Wetblast Attachment

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The Clemco water ring attachment attaches to the end of a blast nozzle.  It connects to a standard water hose and introduces water into the blast media stream after it leaves the blast nozzle.  This helps suppress about 80% of the dust from dry abrasive blasting.  If rust is a concern you can use a rust inhibitor sprayed on the surface immediately after blasting is complete or premixed in a tank that feeds the water ring attachment.  For an affordable option for wet blasting the Water Ring is a Great Solution.


Six 3/32 water jets inject water into the blast media stream after the media leaves the blast nozzle.  The system uses standard city water pressures of 30 to 60 lbs.


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