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Clemco Seasonal Light-Duty Blast Suit (1587573325859)

Clemco Seasonal Light-Duty Blast Suit

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The Clemco light-duty blast suit protects the operator from the impact of rebounding abrasive. The suit is a cost-effective alternative to a heavy-duty suit for intermittent or short-term blasting, and for non-blast personnel working at the blast site. It weighs less than Clemco's heavy-duty blast suit. The nylon and cotton construction is easily machine washable. Discarding the light-duty suit after a toxic dust job wastes less money. For rental outlets, the low-cost suit makes it possible to stock suits in sizes to fit almost any customer. (Optional gauntlet gloves protect hands and wrists.)


  • Weighs less and costs less than Clemco's heavy-duty blast suit.
  • Nylon and cotton construction is easily machine washable.
  • Discarding the light-duty suit after a toxic dust job wastes less money.
  • For rental outlets, the low-cost suit makes it possible to stock suits in sizes to fit almost any customer.

Available Sizes:

Size Stock No.
Small 22913
Medium 22914
Large 22915
XLarge 22916
2XLarge 22917
3XLarge 25022
4XLarge 24689
Gloves 02243


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