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1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media
1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media
1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media
1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media
1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media
1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media
1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media
1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media
1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media
1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media

1 Skid of 40 50 lb Bags of Crushed Glass Blast Media

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Blast Media, Crushed Glass Type, 40 bags of 50lb.

4 options for grit sizes, mainly:

  • 10x40 - 5 to 4.5 Mils of Surface Profile, 1151 Microns Average Particle Size
  • 20x40 - 2.5 to 3.5 Mils of Surface Profile, 616 Microns Average Particle Size
  • 40x70 - 1 to 2.5 Mils of Surface Profile, 261 Microns Average Particle Size
  • 70x100 - .8 to 1.5 Mils of Surface Profile, 171 Microns Average Particle Size


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