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Wilton — 20" Regular Duty F-Clamp Copper - (2400S-20C)

Wilton — 20" Regular Duty F-Clamp Copper - (2400S-20C)

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The top of the line Wilton® Spark-Duty TM series with copper spindle is superior when resisting welding spatter. Every Spark-Duty F-Clamp comes standard with an ergonomic, anti-fatigue Wilton-Grip® and V-Groove pad accessory. Boasting a lifetime warranty, the 2400S series F-Clamps clamp down with 2400 pounds of force.

  • Ergonomic Wilton-Grip® has anti-fatigue properties and provides comfort during repetitive clamping
  • Quick-Twist Pads are simple and quickly replaceable in V-groove or serrated surfaces
  • V-Groove Pad included with every clamp and can clamp round objects up to 14" in diameter
  • Spark-Duty copper-plated spindle extends the life of the clamp by protecting the spindle and pad from harmful welding spatter


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