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Paint Pocket Paint Booth Filters - 40" x 50' Blanket - 1 / Pkg.

Paint Pocket Paint Booth Filters - 40" x 50' Blanket - 1 / Pkg.

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Paint Pockets are another high quality booth filter option.  We carry 20×20 pads in stock for easy service.


Overall Arrestance Efficiency: 99.84%
Fractional Arrestance Efficiency
20 microns 100.0%
10 microns 99.8%
5 microns 84.5%
2.5 microns 4.2%
Holding Capacity Up to 6 lbs/sq ft
Maximum Tested Air Velocity 700 FPM
Initial Pressure Drop (@100 FPM) 0.06 in W.C.
Maximum Pressure Drop 1.00 in W.C.
Flammability Rating UL Class II
Filter Construction High Loft, Multi-Ply, Non-woven Polyester

European Patent No. 0724473
U.S. Patent No. 6,071,419
Paint Pockets Co. is committed to the continued improvement of its products and processes. Therefore, specific specifications are subject to change without advance notice.

Cut Booth Operating Costs Now

To reduce your spray booth operating costs, while still improving performance, contact your local Paint Pockets distributor or call Toll Free 877-768-7587 to find the distributor in your area.


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200-50040"x50'air-flow-technologyall other productsbf2023Blanket DesigncatchallshipExhaustFiberglass Filter Materialprisynctoadd9624repriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled