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RANSBURG A12874-03 Direct Charge Shape Air Kit for 30mm Bell Cups

RANSBURG A12874-03 Direct Charge Shape Air Kit for 30mm Bell Cups

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This combination provides for two air sources to gain better pattern control, eliminates a secondary “ghost” pattern, and gives the ability to penetrate into deep cavities. The first air is connected to the “blue” tubes labeled “SAI” on the tubing bundle. This air exits through an annulus between the outside diameter of the ball cup and the inside diameter of the shaping air manifold. The second air is connected to the tube labeled “SAI” and is “gray” in color. This air exits a concentric series of holes at the front of the atomizer. This shaping air combination can be used with either the aluminum 30mm bell cup or the Titanium 30mm bell cup. “Air Flow” information can be found in the “Introduction” section of this manual.


A minimum of 70 slpm (2.6 SCFM) should always be kept flowing in the inner shaping air passage to keep the face of the applicator clean during manual cleaning breaks. 



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