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Powder Coating Booth

Global Finishing Solutions Powder Coating Non Recovery Booth

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Global Finishing Solutions Non Recovery Powder Booths are ideal for small batch powder applications.

Featuring a 3 Stage Filtration System and high capacity - low circulation fan.  Designed for years of effective small batch powder coating use.


The following features are standard on GFS Non-Recovery Powder Coating Booths:

Heavy-Duty PanelsGFS Non-Recovery Powder Booths are constructed with single-skin, 18-gauge, G-90 galvanized steel.

Solid ConstructionPre-punched booth panels and nut-and-bolt assembly takes the guesswork out of installing a powder booth, and provides more structural integrity.

3-Stage Filtration SystemA key feature of GFS’ Non-Recovery Powder Booth is the 3-stage filtration system. This system is highly effective at capturing high volumes of powder dust, with up to 99.9% filter efficiency at 5 micron. Powder dust is filtered out of the exhausted air through roll media, panel filters and 6-pocket bag filters.

Easy Filter ReplacementEach powder booth comes complete with a full set of filters. Installing and replacing filters is easy with the grid system. An included manometer indicates when filters need to be replaced.

Superior LightingGFS recirculating paint booths feature integrated 4-tube, inside-access fluorescent light fixtures. GFS light fixtures are ETL listed (Class 1 Division 2) and come complete with T-8 color-corrected tubes.

Fans & MotorsGFS non-recovery powder booths include a heavy-duty, high-capacity, low-noise plug fan (rated at 1.5” SP).

Optional Upgrades

  • White, pre-coated panels
  • Additional light fixtures
  • Classica control panel


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