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23:1 Merkur Airless Package, 1.6 gpm (6 lpm) fluid flow, Cart Mount, XTR5+ Gun, Pump Air Controls, Gun Fluid Hose, Fluid Filter
23:1 Merkur Airless Package, 1.6 gpm (6 lpm) fluid flow, Cart Mount, XTR5+ Gun, Pump Air Controls, Gun Fluid Hose, Fluid Filter

23:1 Merkur Airless Package, 1.6 gpm (6 lpm) fluid flow, Cart Mount, XTR5+ Gun, Pump Air Controls, Gun Fluid Hose, Fluid Filter

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Designed to improve productivity, reduce costs, lower emissions and provide consistent, high quality finishes for all of your demanding applications.

  • Proven to outperform and outlast other pumps in their class
  • Highest technology air motor on the market
  • Low air consumption for increased efficiency
  • External valve access allows for easy servicing and online replacement to minimize downtime
UPC Product: 00633955376694
Family Code: FAMCPP
Unit of Measure: EA
Height: 40.8 IN   |  103.632 CM
Length: 21.6 IN   |  54.864 CM
Width: 19.2 IN   |  48.768 CM
Volume: 9.79 FT3   |  .277 M3
Chargeable Weight: 112 LBS  | 50.8 KG

Technical Specifications

Convertible Non-Convertible
Fluid Inlet Size (in) 3/4
Fluid Inlet Size (mm) 19.05
Fluid Inlet Thread Type NPT
Fluid Outlet Size (in) 3/8
Fluid Outlet Size (mm) 9.525
Fluid Outlet Thread Type NPT
Hose Inlet Diameter (cm) 0.5
Hose Inlet Diameter (in) 3/16
Hose Inlet Diameter (mm) 5
Includes 仅适用于泵的空气控制器, ポンプ用エア制御, Pump Only Air Controls, Controles bombeo solamente de aire, 펌프 에어 제어장치, 喷枪软管, ガンホース, Gun Hose, manguera de la pistola, 건 호스, 吸料软管, 吸引ホース, Suction Hose, manguera de aspiración, 흡입 호스, 流体过滤器, 液体フィルター, Fluid Filter, filtro de fluido, 유체 필터
Maximum Flow Rate (GPM) 1.6
Maximum Flow Rate (L/min) 6
Maximum Hose Length (ft) 25
Maximum Hose Length (m) 7.5
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) 2300
Maximum Working Pressure (kPa) 15900
Power Source Air
Maximum Working Pressure (MPa) 15.9
Model Merkur
Maximum Working Pressure (bar) 159
Weight (kg) 50
Weight (lb) 111
Pump Type Pneumatic Piston Pump
Type Airless Spray Package
Spray Type Airless
Motor Type Pneumatic
Wetted Material Stainless Steel, Tungsten Carbide with 6% Nickel, UHMWPE, PTFE, Aluminum, Acetal, Polyethylene, Nylon, Polypropylene, Polyurethane, Solvent-Resistant O-Ring
Number of Guns 1
Pressure Type High Pressure
Mount Type Cart Mount
Gun Technology Airless
Gun Type Airless
Gun Included 1
Gun Model XTR5+
Pump Ratio 23:1
Product Type Spray Package
Technology Type Airless


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