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Graco 235458 Gun Fluidex Fluid Tip

Graco 235458 Gun Fluidex Fluid Tip

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Airless spray guns are typically used for industrial and chemical applications. Product specs for this Airless Spray Gun include the following: FLUID DELIVERY TYPE: 1/4", FOR USE WITH: Mfr. No. X30DH4, X40DH4, X45DH4, X46DH4, X50DH4, X55DH4, X60DH4, X70DH4, X80DH4, 287975, INCLUDES: HandTite Guard

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2-Finger200-5005000 PSIall other productsbf2023gracoGun OnlyLeadTime2weeksNo TipnomappaintsprayerprisyncROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabled