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Easy-Kleen Professional 5000 PSI (Natural Gas - Hot Water) 390K BTU Heater Module (24V)

Easy-Kleen Professional 5000 PSI (Natural Gas - Hot Water) 390K BTU Heater Module (24V)

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Modular Hot Water Heater
Handles 4 to 5 GPM up to 5000 PSI
Works with systems that have 24-volt igniters
Natural Gas 390,000 BTU Burner
North American-made, the high-quality burner has 44 jets in the burner ring, an 8-inch flue opening
Use With Your Existing Industrial Pressure Washer System
Designed as a field upgrade to a cold water system or a replacement in a modular hot water system
For industrial use only, not to be used as a portable water heater
Adjustable Temperature Control
Frame-mounted & easy to access
Heavy Gauge Frame
Powder-coated to resist rust & corrosion
Elliptically Wound Heating Coil
Completely sealed with a ceramic blanket & stainless steel coil skin for total efficiency
Saves on heat-up time and fuel; structurally braced to minimize pipe wear & vibration
Professional Features
A flow switch, safety relief valve, hot water outlet quick connection, & temperature probe are included
The burner must be properly vented if used indoors!


Note: Product doesn't come with a battery.


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3500-50005-0-gpm5000 PSIall other productsbf2023Commercial Buildeasy-kleenElectric StartGas Powered/Natural Gas HeaterLeadTime3weeksprisyncrepriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabledStationary-Type