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Karcher 1.107-437.0 Jarvis HD Surface Cleaner Pressure Washer, SCW 4.0/40 G

Karcher 1.107-437.0 Jarvis HD Surface Cleaner Pressure Washer, SCW 4.0/40 G

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Configured for surface cleaning. All-in-one cold water, gas-powered, surface cleaner pressure washer with 28" cleaning path and integrated hose reel with 50' of hose for added productivity.


One-step solution. The Jarvis Series SCW 4.0/40 G is a complete solution for quick, streak-free cleaning of business entrances, parking lots, tennis courts, pool decks and sidewalks. This easy to use cold water surface cleaner pressure washer is an all-in-one unit with the pump and engine attached to the surface cleaner, and it is designed to attack the superficial dirt sweeping alone does not get. The Jarvis series surface cleaner pressure washer is perfect for all operators - simple on/off operation, flat-free tires, and a folding handle for easy transport and storage.


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