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Dent Fix Equipment - Spot Annihilator Deluxe Kit

Dent Fix Equipment - Spot Annihilator Deluxe Kit

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The Original Spitznagel DF-15DX Spot Weld Drill applies the cutting pressure pneumatically. You do not have to push on the drill bit. Our patented valved cylinder applies gentle pressure toward the panel. When the drill bit starts to turn even more pressure is applied.

This Smart pressure valve helps prevent breakage of bits and applies correct consistent pressure from the first to the last spot weld, ensuring the long life of your bits by preventing breakage.

The 1000-rpm motor makes sure you do not burn up bits prematurely and is perfect for Higher Strength (HSS) and Boron Steels (UHSS).


-Spot annihilator deluxe kit.
-1000-rpm depth adjustable drill with large 3 inch tall C-clamp.

Kit includes:
(1) 1000 RPM spitznagel spot weld drill
(1) 8mm HSCO bit
(2) 8mm titanium coated HSCO spot weld drill bits
(1) 10mm titanium coated HSCO spot weld drill bit
(1) bottle of pneumatic tool oil
(1) in-line oiler
(1) deluxe storage case


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