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Cox Hose Reels V1175 SERIES
Cox Hose Reels V1175 SERIES
Cox Hose Reels V1175 SERIES
Cox Hose Reels V1175 SERIES

Cox Hose Reels V1175 SERIES

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COXREELS® V Series spring driven and hand crank vacuum hose reels are available in both vacuum only and vacuum/pneumatic combinations. Both are designed to extract unwanted fumes, particles and by-products from your work area. The vacuum/pneumatic models have dual plumbing for vacuum extraction while simultaneously powering pneumatic tools such as grinders and sanders in an enclosed efficient system.

  • Enclosed factory tuned & matched cartridge-style nspring motor n
  • Sturdy box-style frame with heavy duty steel cross supports to all four corners for extra rigidityn
  • Low profile outlet riser & open drum slot design, provide a non-crimping, flat smooth hose wrapn
  • Self-lubricated flange bearings & multi-position lock ratchetn
  • Lubricated factory matched cartridge-style spring motorn
  • Heavy duty 1" O.D non-corrosive stainless steel rollersn
  • Cast iron lock ring with non-sparking bronze pawl
  • Professional grade heavy duty steel construction
  • Rolled edges & ribbed discs provide strength & safety
  • Leading 2-year manufacturer's limited warranty
  • Made in the U.S.A. - Sold & Supported Worldwide

  • VACUUM SWIVEL - Designed to fit 1-1/2" 29HG vacuum hose.
  • "A" FRAME - Sturdy one piece, all CNC robotically welded 1/4" steel "A" frame base with double dupported axle, not bolted, for superior reel structure. Mounting pattern located in the steel base for easy reel installation and detachment.
  • CNC SPUN DISCS - Heavy duty CNC robotically spun and ribbed discs with rolled edges for greater strength, durability, hose protection and operator safety.
  • ADJUSTABLE TENSION BRAKE - Tension brake adjusts the speed of the draw to your desired preference and prevents your reel from free wheeling during operation, transport or storage.
  • OUTLET RISER - Exclusive low profile outlet riser and open drum slot design provides a non-cimping, flat smooth hose wrap.


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1 1/2" Inlet1 1/2" Outlet1000-2000500-1000bf2023exportlistpHand CrankLeadTime2weeksnomapnot canadapmax ad hose reelPowder CoatedprisyncreelsrepriceROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled