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C.A Technologies AutoCAT 100H HVLP Automatic Spray Guns

C.A Technologies AutoCAT 100H HVLP Automatic Spray Guns

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AutoCAT 100H HVLP (General Purpose)

The A100H is an industrial general purpose automatic HVLP air spray gun of the highest quality. Designed for production use, this gun offers a self-adjusting needle packing, fan adjusting valve, light weight and rugged construction. The A100H HVLP is available with low volume aircaps or high volume aircaps to atomize thicker, high solid coatings. All Autocat guns come standard with all stainless steel fluid passages and can be used in a wide range of applications. This gun complies with all regulations for HVLP. The AUTOCAT 100H is unique in that the fluid needle is compatible with all fluid nozzle sizes.

Air Inlet  1/4” NPS (m)
Fluid Inlet 3/8 NPS (m)
Weight 24 oz.
CFM  Dependant on Air Cap


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