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1740 PSI @ 17.2 GPM Horizontal Gas Engine Triplex Plunger Replacement Pressure Washer Pump

1740 PSI @ 17.2 GPM Horizontal Gas Engine Triplex Plunger Replacement Pressure Washer Pump

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Annovi Reverberi AR XWP65.12N horizontal gas engine triplex plunger pump is rated up to 17.2 GPM at max 1740 PSI spins a 24mm solid shaft at 1450 RPM using a 1” inlet and ½” discharge thread. N version with a gas engine flange.

  Annovi Reverberi XWP65.12N triplex plunger pump spins at 1,450 RPM at 17.2 GPM max, 24MM solid shaft and 1" inlet thread was developed with improvements to the wet end while maintaining the drive of the XW, and upgrading flow rate performance. The larger-size pistons are now ceramic, while the new water seals and valves enable this compact pump to achieve higher flow rates with virtually the same external dimensions.

Max GPM 17.2
Max L/Min 65
Max PSI 1740
MaxBar 120
Power EBHP 21
Bore Dia mm 30
Stroke mm 21
Crankshaft ID Stamp 7
Inlet 1"
Outlet 1/2"
Max Temp 140° F
Oil Capacity (oz) 31.8
Weight 39
RPM 1450
Shaft Size 24MM
Shaft Version N Version
Shaft Type Solid


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140 F.145017.2 GPM1740 PSI21HP30mm32oz.500-1000all other productsannovi-reverberibf2023catchallshipCommercial Pumpsnogooglenot canadapressurewasherprisyncROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled